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Mr. Rogers

This page is dedicated to our amazing teacher, Mr. Rogers. We are so thankful to have had the privilege to be in your class for our last year of high school. Thank you so much for being the incredible person you are and for inspiring us each and every day. Because we will miss you so much and want you to know how much you mean to us, each of the senior staff members has written a letter to you below. We hope you enjoy!


Mr. Rogers,


I just want to start off this letter by letting you know how much I have loved being in your class these past few years. I am so proud to have been your first freshman staff member and now your first four year student. Thank you so much for all that you have taught me in your class. I will miss you so much when I go off to college. I know you will continue to build up everyone who works on the journalism staff to make them the best possible version of themselves that they can be. You are such an incredible teacher and person and I am so lucky to have been granted the privilege to have you for newspaper. You have been my favorite teacher I have ever had and I am so happy I got to have you for every year in high school. You inspire me each and every day to always do my best. Thank you for believing in me; it means the world. You have showered me with support for four years. Thank you for always making me laugh and giving me the freedom to learn how to be a great editor. I hope I have made you proud because I am so proud to not just be able to say that you are a great teacher but to be able to say that you are a great person. You always look for the best in people no matter what others say about them. I am going to miss seeing you every single day. When I walk across that stage on June 7th, I know you will be cheering me on. Continue to be who you are because just being yourself makes other people want to do better and be better.


Thank you for everything!


Meagan “Meg” Gutheil





Mr. Rogers,


I would like to thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to be on the journalism staff starting last year. I wasn't sure if I would be able to succeed, however you held me accountable and as a result I am a much better writer and person. It has been a really fun two years and I have learned so much. I appreciate the patience you've had with our class, and I appreciate the hard work and dedication you've put into our class. When I walk across the stage at graduation, I may be leaving a school full of memories and people behind. However, I will carry the lessons you have taught me and advice you have given me into college and the world. I have loved being your student and truly am thankful for all you have done for us.



Olivia Emmert




Dear Mr. Rogers,


Thank you for the knowledge and ideas you've instilled in me so that I could better myself and editorials. Thank you for having me in your journalism class for two years. Personally, I'm not a fan of teachers because I feel that they don't have my best interest at heart but, I can honestly say that you've cared and are a genuine teacher. You look out for your students to make sure they are on track and have no slip ups. Thank you for the laughs, advice, and good grammar corrections. Keep doing what you've been doing big dog. Hopefully you're lucky enough to get another journalism student just as good as me--maybe they'll even take over my pimp throne (I actually might need it for my wedding, you know, if I ever commit).



Tamar Greenhill

Pimp of the Class







Mr. Rogers,


You have been more than a teacher to me. You were and forever will be a friend of mine, someone who inspires me to gain their leadership attribute. Believe it or not you are one of the few people who's opinion means the most to me. I apologize for my first year in journalism, I wasn't the most talkative or social person in your class but i'm sure I'm not the first and know for a fact I will not be the last as long as you teach. I hope you meet students who will remind you of each and everyone of us.


Thanks for everything coach,

Rick Rodriguez




Mr. Rogers,


I can honestly state that being in Journalism for two years has given me some of the best experiences I’ve had at Page. Sophomore year, I grew as a writer and intellectual covering germane issues in editorials; while this year my experience has focused on the athletic scene- a job that's allowed me to expand my social scene and learn to work with people across campus. Stories that come to mind when I mention these factors are things like Harder Interview, where I was able to get the inside scoop after lots of perseverance, or other similar issues that deal directly with Page.

Although writing is both something I enjoy and a tool I’ll use for the rest of my life, the greatest lesson that will stick with me is the power of dialogue. Through our conversations, I’ve learned that strong subjects don’t necessitate strong voices only interested in themselves, but powerful arguments to substantiate reasoning. In other words, education and debate isn’t sourced in conflict, but in conversation.

The other lesson I’ve gained from journalism is to always ask the question, “why”? In an age of distortion of information, examining the behind-the-scenes look at anything is important. Whether it be politics or The Avengers, seeking to tear down the curtains and gain insight is something that is tremendously important but also something that few people try to do. As journalists, this is our job; as people it is our responsibility.


Thank you for all you’ve done for me. I hope I’ve impacted your life like you have mine.


Best Regards,


William Petitt

Sports Editor



Dear Mr. Rogers,


I just want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart for accepting me into this class. You helped me polish many of my skills, and I am so grateful for it. I will always remember the somewhat heated conversations we had, the discussions about different random topics, and even our analyzing of Marvel movies. I regret not joining this class sooner, but I appreciate the time I wsa able to have with you anyway. I will always be thankful for your consideration of me, even though we only just really become close this year. And even though it was such a short time, it feels like I've been in this family for a lot longer than it truly was. Thank you for pushing me in the right direction when I needed it, calling me out when it was appropriate, and picking me back up again when I fell. Thank you for being my teacher and mentor.


Sincerely and always,

Kat Tokazowski




Mr. Rogers,


Thank you for taking a chance on me in October. And although you terrified me at the beginning of they year, you have become one of my favorite teachers at Page during my four years here. You care about us as people , and not just as the student you are paid to teach, but the type of person we become, and that's a very valuable trait to have. You have taught me so many lessons beyond what's expected of school. Thank you for the opportunity this 4th period class has given me. I will be forever grateful.


Emelia Pack




Mr. Rogers,


Thank you for helping me out this year, I had an amazing time! I cannot put into words how much it meant that you let me find what I wanted to do in the class. Running a Twitter account for an official source had been something I had wanted to try out for a while; with the world slowly becoming technical. This has been an amazing senior year, and I doubt I would have enjoyed it nearly as much as if you had not accepted my request at the very beginning of the year. High school has been a long journey, but I'm so thankful that you were there to help me shut the door and prepare to move on to greener fields. The world needs teachers like you, people who inspire and give real advice. You have helped me out of so may tight spots this year: whether it be school work, struggles with depression, or simply someone to talk to. Thank you so much for being here; thank you for caring about your students.


Thank you,


Isaac Schwarz


P.S. I hope to see you again when I visit in few years.





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