Sincere Davis
It is a tremendous understatement to say that Sincere Davis was important to everyone at Page. From the classroom, to the football field, and to the hallways in between; Sincere was an integral part of the fiber of students that weave together everyday to form this community. For seniors, Sincere was an old friend who most of us have known from before our time at Page and will remember long after graduation. For anyone else that knew Sincere, they'll recall his kindhearted nature, contagious affability, and motto: Slightwork.
The Gospel of Philippians tells us, “But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform our lowly body to be like his glorious body, by the power that enables him even to subject all things to himself.” For Sincere, this passage was brought to fruition yesterday as he passed away. Like Philippians says, Sincere transcended into heaven yesterday afternoon, albeit much to early, and knowing him is probably tossing a football with God as I’m writing this. May he rest in peace and dwell in eternity with God.