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Student Spotlight


Elena Kirstens

"Elena is such a high achieving violin player and she is a great example in the class to anybody that sees or hears her. She does a lot outside of class as well. She's the type of person you can point to and say this is how it should be done." ~Mr. Box



JT Beaver

"JT has been a very enthusiastic and involved student at Page; working with his enthusiastic and optimistic personality has been wonderful." ~Mr. Deaton



Jahri Gilmer

"Jahri brings a unique perspective into class and shows an inquisitive mind towards music. I have enjoyed interacting with his observations on a number of topics."

~Mr. Deaton



Lexi Brockner

"Lexi is a light to the Page community. She radiates passion, perseverance, and grace in all of her endeavors and seeks to aid and serve her peers at great inconvenience to herself. She will be missed here, but she will excel wherever her path leads."

~Mr. Atchley



Elizabeth Mitchell

"Elizabeth is really good at sticking with what she knows then developing herself and growing."

~Mrs. Scarbro



Lucas Votaw

"Lucas has really good ideas. Very creative. I can always count on him if I need him to do something."

~Mrs. Scarbro



Katie Clark

"Katie is very humble; she needs little direction. She was a pleasure to teach the last three years."

~Mrs. White



Jack LaFave

"It has been fun to watch him grow over the past four years from Thoroughly Modern Milly to president his senior year."

~Mrs. White



Brooke Butler

"Brooke has been an integral part of Playmakers' tech crew. She ran the concession table at events and assisted with set building. Her dedication to Playmakers is evident and she will be missed upon graduation." ~Mr. Ned



Anne Spong, Meagan Gutheil, Paige Azzarita

"They have shown dedication to our team over the past four years I've been lucky enough to have them as members. In addition to all of their coursework, they found time to read 6-12 additional books and rarely missed a practice. As they've grown up, they've taken on leadership roles within the team as well. This year we earned 2nd place in the county and their contributions helped make that possible. I will miss them dearly!"

~Mrs. DeLellis

Battle of the Books


Trey Mooring and Erin Humphreys

"They were very professional and they had a lot of points during the trial they roasted the other teams."

~Haley Schweitzer

Mock Trial

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Kendall Williams

"She was the Captain of the Varsity Cheerleading squad this year. This position is selected by the cheerleaders on the squad only. She is a very dedicated member of the Page Cheerleading squad and has cheered at Page for 3 years. Her teammates look up to her and also she also expects a lot from herself which motivated the squad to be better cheerleaders this year."

~Mrs. Bixby



Isabella Trivette

"She is really creative. She does apply herself, and I can see her going very far. She has a great personality, her peers enjoy her. And whatever she chooses to do in life, I think she will succeed."

~Mrs. Sims

Digital Media

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Mykel Barrie

"A very reliant young lady, very sweet, a good leader, and a great asset to our team. She's also super talented."

~Ms. Andrews

Dance Team


Branyon Spigner and Sam Simpson

"Both needed each other. They had an appropriate balance to each others characteristics."

~Mr. Scarbro

Student Government



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