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Will Still Be

Matthew Thompson will still be into metal bands


Ava Besecker will still be yelling at people for using straws


Paige Azzarita will still be petting bumblebees


Marlon Giron will still hate the outdoors


Jordyn Greenstein will still be playing solitaire


Keyshawn McAdoo will still be wearing shirts 3 sizes too small


May Guo will still be confused


The Yearbook seniors will still be on the floor in the last bathroom stall


Brooke Butler will still be visiting her boyfriend during 4th period


Elizabeth Mitchell will still be naming every bird she sees


Jackson Hardcastle will still be missing


Reem Khalifa will still be coming into English late with her Starbucks


Julian Duncan will still be benching his car


Elena Butler will still be the Uber for all of her younger friends


Harrison McDowell will still be wearing Virginia Tech gear at NC State


Kayla Shakib will still be front row at every Page football game


Cassidi Sockwell will still be crying over a 95 on a math test


Kaosiso Uzochuku will still be lost at the Greensboro Arboretum


Amber Surgeon will still be writing “short” stories for class


Sean Watson will still be late to class because he stopped to get food


Trey Mooring will still be saying that his haircuts are too short


Anna Lin will still be smiling when she’s in pain







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