Remember When

Freshman Year
Lost power when another student hit a pole outside the school
Walking the marathon during PE
First Grimsley home football game
Freshman pushback
Adele returns after a long hiatus
Carolina Panthers go to the Superbowl
Teachers "hit the quan" at a pep rally
Zika Virus

Sophomore Year
"You Chose This" Speech
The Weeks' Curve
Decade of Dominance over Grimsley
English Poetry Project
New President takes office
Finding Dory is released
RIP Vine
PB&J stuck to tree in treasure island
Junior Year
So many principals
Adam Norris APUSH videos
Mariah Carey's New Years Eve performance
The walk out
7 period days
The long uphill walk to junior lot
Total solar eclipse
Driving through Cone Elementary School to avoid the long line to get out of junior lot

Senior Year
Hurricanes all day every day
Spending all of our money eating out for lunch
Out of school for a week due to snow
Jonas Brothers return
"Friday night" football games
VIP for a VIP
Starting school 5 minutes early
Mac Miller passes away
Avengers Endgame released
Last season of Game of Thrones
Dream Big
Herff Jones
Final cross country Warped Tour
First Arts Festival at Page
Battle of the Books team wins second place (best Page has ever done)